HTML Content 1.5 - New Features

Version 1.5 provides some quality of life updates, and both the standard and certified editions should be live in your reports right about now.
Keyboard Focus Support
You can now use the [Enter] key to set focus to the main element when the visual is tabbed to on the canvas. Custom visuals don’t support this by default, so this has been added to aid with these particular use cases, e.g.:
Thanks very much to Nicolas for asking for the feature!
Cross-Filtering and Multiple Visuals
Another thing that custom visuals don’t support out of the box is the ability to keep cross-filter context across multiple visuals on the canvas when the [Ctrl] key is held down. Cross-filtering functionality has now been updated to include this capability, e.g.:
Keeping Current
As we submit new versions of visuals, it’s important to ensure that they stay up to date with some of the recommendations that Microsoft makes for developers as new features become available. As such, both visual editions have been updated with recent visuals APIs and the formatting pane has been updated to use the new formatting cards.
As always, thanks very much to everyone who continues to download and use HTML Content. It’s really inspiring to see what you’re using it for, and I hope that these updates continue to add value for you!
All the best,