Daniel Marsh-Patrick

HTML Content Website Now Available

HTML Content Website Now Available

The launch of the HTML Content custom visual in June last year was done in a bit of a hurry. The HTML Viewer had suddenly disappeared, so I wrote it to fill a gap that had been left and added a couple of extra enhancements. However in terms of documentation, I was kind of relying on folks’ existing knowledge of HTML Viewer to know how to use it. The sample workbook and the GitHub repository were a little light on detail.

I’ve finally managed to squeeze in some time over the holidays to address a long-standing personal project, and that’s to create a dedicated documentation portal for HTML Content, and this can be found at www.html-content.com.

I’ve tried to ensure that the basics are covered, and will start to add more to the site over time, including details of any new functionality and some more worked examples.

As the visual is so open-ended in how folks can approach solutions, I’ve started to assemble a number of resources I’ve found online, but if you know of anything good to add that other users can benefit from - whether it be sample workbooks, vidoes, or even neat tricks - I’d love to hear from you! Please reach out either through the comments or one of my other presences and I can add to this site and hopefully build up a nice repository of information to help others get started quickly.

Happy HTML-ing!


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